Name of Child*
Date of Birth*
Name of Parent/Carer/School/Organisation*
What days would they like to book?*
Your Address*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
Please select the service(s) you're interested in* ---Nursery SessionsPrimary School ProvisionActive LunchtimesActive Extended DayActive StaffDevelopment CentresClub CoachingOne to One TuitionTournamentsHoliday ClubsBirthday PartiesCare Home Activity Sessions
Please tick to confirm agreement: *
I understand that the teaching of some sessions will require the coach to have physical contact with my child and I give my permission.*
From time to time, we or the press may take photos or films of the classes, which may be used for promotional purposes or on our website.*
How did you hear about Sport and Health Academy?* ---Word of MouthFlyerSearch EngineSocial MediaNewspaperOther
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