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The health and wellbeing of children is very important and promoting these will ensure they grow and develop in the best possible way.

Here, we share five ways to promote children’s health and wellbeing which can be easily integrated into their daily lives.

1. Physical activity

Physical activity is a great way for both children and adults to receive a fantastic health and wellbeing boost, and it can be something as simple as playing in the park or a well-planned P.E. lesson. The NHS suggest that children between the ages of 5 and 18 should complete around an hour of physical activity per day including strength exercises, like gymnastics and jumping, and aerobic exercises, like running and dancing.

2. A good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital in ensuring a child’s health and wellbeing, as missing out on sleep can cause issues with focus, concentration, and mood. This will not only have a negative effect on their school day but can make them grouchy at home too. Winding down before bed can help children to drift off quickly and encourage a peaceful night’s rest. This could include a warm drink, such as milk, a bath, and a bedtime story to help them settle.

3. Friendships and relationships

The friendships and relationships a child has can have a huge impact on their wellbeing, and it’s vital that they have people in their life that make them feel happy and secure. Strong relationships help children to understand other people’s feelings, how to communicate effectively, and the importance of being kind. These factors all ensure emotional development which is very important as a child grows. Taking part in sport with their peers and working as part of a team can really help with this development too.

4. Learning new things

Of course, children are learning new things all the time while they’re at school and this will be helping with their wellbeing as their knowledge grows and their minds expand. However, it’s important that they are also given the opportunity to learn more about the things that specifically interest them and are given the opportunity to gain new hobbies. This could be anything from joining a football team with their friends to learning to bake with a parent.

5. Creating a routine

Routines can ensure children feel secure as they help to eliminate the unknown and create feelings of wellbeing and confidence. Asking children to help plan their own routines and schedules can encourage them to embrace the things they need to do, like brushing their teeth and eating breakfast, and get excited about the things they want to do, such as afterschool activities and watching their favourite TV programme. The pre-bedtime wind down routine mentioned earlier is a great example of this.

At Sport and Health Academy, we fully understand the importance of exercise and how it can boost the health and wellbeing of children of all ages. Take a look at the services we offer to find out more about what we do.